
July 31, 2011

Glenwood cemetary is located only a couple miles from the house. It is gigantic and really beautiful. And old. Many famous Houstonians are buried there, including Howard Hughes.

Canon Rebel 32mm ISO 200 f/2.8 1/400s

Taste of Summer

July 30, 2011

I am obsessed with smaller versions of things, so I love that these little watermelons are placed right next to the gigantic watermelons at HEB.

Canon Rebel 38mm ISO 200 f/2.8 1/50s


July 29, 2011

Waiting on my pizza at Candelari's.

Canon Rebel 30mm ISO 800 f/2.8 1/30s


July 28, 2011

I intended to take a picture of the 59 Diner sign with the sunset behind it, but then I saw this antenna ball and laughed. It's Wilson! :)

Canon Rebel  70mm ISO 200 f/2.8 1/160s

Lines 2

July 27, 2011

Boiling hot staircase in the gym parking garage.

Canon Rebel  24mm ISO 800 f/5.0  1/5s


July 26, 2011

I mean I know my car exaggerates sometimes, but still....geez it's warm out. I'm starting to think I've moved back to Saudi Arabia!!

Canon Rebel  48mm ISO 800 f/3.5  1/20s


July 25, 2011

This green nail color looked a lot lighter in the bottle. Now I feel like I'm a zombie with gangrene or something.

Canon Rebel  70mm ISO 1600 f/2.8 1/125s

Weeds on Orange

July 24, 2011

I love the beautiful orange sunsets when there are just a few scattered clouds.

Canon Rebel  25mm ISO 400 f/7.1  1/60s

Memorial Park at Night

July 23, 2011

You don't see a lot of runners at 11PM on a Saturday night.

Canon Rebel  25mm ISO 1600 f/2.8 1/8s


July 22, 2011

This is one of my favorite wedding gifts we received. James's Aunt made a beautiful stained glass frame of our wedding invitation. I wish I knew how to do this because it's such a thoughtful gift to give!

Canon Rebel  25mm ISO 1600 f/2.8 1/25s

Rock Garden

July 21, 2011
Grounds around my gym at City Centre.

Canon Rebel  70mm ISO 200 f/3.2  1/320s

Looking up

July 20, 2011
View of our house from the balcony.

Canon Rebel  28mm ISO 200 f/4.5  1/400s


July 19, 2011

This is the only thing that could help my sinus issues. Pho noodle soup with lots and lots of Sriracha.

Canon Rebel 24mm ISO 400 f/2.8 1/100s


July 18, 2011

When it comes to new bags, he can't contain himself.

Canon Rebel  30mm  ISO 400  f/2.8  1/40s

Driving Range

July 17, 2011

I'm still feeling miserable, but just to get out of the house I joined James while he hit some golf balls on the driving range. I also didn't want to subject my blog readers to any more pictures of tissue boxes or thermometers. The heat pretty much did me in though, and back to the couch I went.

Canon Rebel  48mm  ISO 200  f/2.8  1/3200s


July 16, 2011

I feel like my head is going to explode. This was pretty much my view from the couch all day. :(

Canon Rebel  24mm  ISO 800  f/2.8  1/4s

Iron Chef

July 15, 2011

Our group had an Iron Chef team building event at a hotel today. We were broken up into teams, and each team was given a cook station, utensils/pans, and access to this array of ingredients. The "secret ingredients" were brought around to each station and uncovered as soon as the clock started. Our team won! For the dessert course we did a pound cake and berry trifle, which looked pretty awesome but unfortunately we had to save the end result for the judges. They told us they would have paid money for it in a restaurant. Our team, the Lemon Zesters, were victorious!

Canon PowerShot  f/2.8  1/40s

Absolut Disco

July 14, 2011

I went to a friend's birthday party this evening. While I know better than to drink vodka on a school night, I thought the bottle was really cool!

Canon Rebel  34mm  ISO 400  f/2.8  1/10s


July 13, 2011

All the magazines I've accumulated and still haven't read.

Canon Rebel  70mm  ISO  1600  f/2.8  1/6s

Concrete Jungle

July 12, 2011

View while stuck in traffic.

Canon Rebel  45mm  ISO 200  f/5.0  1/400s

On the right track

July 11, 2011

City skyline from atop a railroad track.

Canon Rebel  70mm  ISO 1600  f/2.8  1/2s


July 10, 2011

Cookin dinner....

Canon Rebel  70mm  ISO 400  f/2.8  1/50s


July 9, 2011

New club in town. It used to be a funeral home, which is a little creepy because the front entrance still has the white pillars. There is a pool in the courtyard area, which to me seems like a law suit waiting to happen. Cool atmosphere though.

Canon PowerShot  f/2.8   1/40s

Pet Peeve

July 8, 2011

I am getting annoyed by all the pictures I see that have been altered to look aged. I don't know why that makes it better or more interesting. Photography has advanced so much to make the pictures look more realistic, and yet people are fascinated with the weathered or faded look. I finally figured out where these were coming from - an app called Retro Camera. Javier here volunteered to be a test subject so I could see how this works. Here are the different "retro" options available. Meh. I don't know, just a new pet peeve of mine. In other news, James's pet peeve is the term "pet peeve."

Google Nexus One Retro Camera App

Texas Sized

July 7, 2011

This state of overrun with unnecessarily gigantic trucks.

Canon Rebel   24mm  ISO 1600   f/2.8   1/25s


July 6, 2011

The beauty of working on Harwin is you never know what you'll encounter driving around the neighborhood. This is seriously creepy. I'm forgetting now what the store was selling, but nothing to do with clowns or costumes or anything that would make this appropriate.

Canon Rebel   24mm  ISO 100   f/2.8   1/2000s

Tie Dye

July 5, 2011

This is only exciting to me, but my new water bottle arrived today from Amazon, and it's pink tie dye!

**Blog update** I have had a request to include camera settings in my posts, which I think is a great idea for those who care about such things. Obviously no one wants to know my settings when I take a picture of my water bottle, but I might as well just start adding the info to every picture.

Canon Rebel   34mm  ISO 800   f/2.8   1/6s

Happy 4th!

July 4, 2011

We decided to check out the new Whole Foods and buy groceries for grilling out this evening. They have beer in bulk! We are waiting for better beer options, but the whole concept is genious. We ended up grilling delicious BBQ chicken and I made a spinach and strawberry salad on the side. Then we caught the fireworks over the tops of the trees in our neighborhood. Happy 4th of July!

Astros vs. Red Sox

July 3, 2011

The Red Sox were in town this weekend! They won in a rather unexciting victory (Astros pitcher walked the winning run), but it was fun to see them. Here's Kevin Youkilis and his bizarre pre-pitch stance.

2011 Hump Day!!

July 2, 2011

You guys, today marks the official Hump Day of 2011! We are exactly in the middle of the year, so it's all downhill from here!! This is my monthly self-portrait, prior to date night at Reef.


July 1, 2011

We went for Dim Sum today in China Town. They had a huge pond out front with lotus flowers.

Hello Kitty

June 30, 2011

A piece of mail I received from Japan. Why is everything so much cooler there?!?


June 29, 2011

Wildflowers that grow in abundance by the side of the railroad tracks.

St. Arnold

June 28, 2011

My fave beer in all the world. Luckily it's local.

Long Day

June 27, 2011

Yes, I took a picture of my shower head.

Smelly Polka Dots

June 26, 2011

Up close and personal with my bottle of perfume.


June 25, 2011

Experimenting with my phone and iPad Photo Booth...


June 24, 2011

Lunch was empanadas from a place near work. I got three: three-cheese, italian sausage, and a dessert one of godiva chocolate and bananas...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.


June 23, 2011

This is a collection of historical books I inherited from my Great-Grandfather. There are 25 books in the set, and each is unique in its design and color. They aren't worth much, but are priceless to me.

Keyboard at Night

June 22, 2011

I admit I was trying to copy my favorite blog, Daily Dose of Imagery. Turned out OK but still his images are amazing. Browse his archives.


June 21, 2011

The Fuwa were the mascots of the Beijing Summer Olypics. Our Chinese associate gave us these when they came to visit a couple years ago. There are actually five, but I sent one of these postcards to a friend. A Wikipedia search displayed way more than I expected on the subject.